These are our local priorities and the areas that we think are the most important.
Mental Health This is as important to us as your physical health and you should have easy and straightforward access to these services
Your first point of contact We want to make health services that you would use when it’s not urgent better by thinking about them differently and making them easier to access when you need them. This includes GP services and community health services such as district nursing
Healthcare needed urgently
If you need healthcare in an emergency we are working to ensure it’s the best service when and where you need it
Working together You should tell your story once and we should work to make sure there are a group of people working around your needs
You’re in charge
We will support you to look after yourself and give you tools and opportunities to care for your own conditions
NHS is for you
These are the promises we make to our patients, public and staff and we’re proud to work to keep and uphold these promises
Take part in the survey
Have your say and you can make a real difference in shaping the future of local healthcare.